Customer Service
- Shipping & Delivery
- Privacy & Security
- Returns & Replacements
- Ordering
- Payment, Pricing & Promotions
- Viewing Orders
- Updating Account Information
- Shipping & Delivery
- Stocked products are sent out within 3 days. An order that includes any customized products, like assembled v3.x controller take 5..6 working days. Most iteams are shipped the same or next day, however. If you need the items very quickly, please call or email to check on shipping schedule to be sure. We can almost always accomodate special needs. Delivery method: USPS / Hungarian National Post and Logistics. After sending out, package typically arrives after 4 working days in EU (8 working days to USA destinations). EU companies must provide EU-VAT-ID in the order note; other EU customers are obliged to pay custom-tax and VAT upon shipment (to their authorities, according to local import-laws).
- Privacy & Security
ACMV, LLC (VEMS) stores information that is collected through cookies, log files, clear gifs, and/or third parties to create a profile of our users. A profile is stored information that we keep on individual users that details their viewing preferences. Consequently, collected information is tied to the user's personally identifiable information to provide offers and improve the content of the site for the user. This profile is used to tailor a user's visit to our Web site, and to direct pertinent marketing promotions to them. We do not share your profile with other third parties.
Special Offers and Updates
Established members will occasionally receive information on products, services, special deals, and a newsletter. Out of respect for the privacy of our users we present the option to not receive these types of communications.
Service Announcements
On rare occasions it is necessary to send out a strictly service related announcement. For instance, if our service is temporarily suspended for maintenance we might send users an email. Generally, users may not opt-out of these communications, though they can deactivate their account. However, these communications are not promotional in nature.
Correcting/Updating/Deleting/Deactivating Personal Information
If a user's personally identifiable information changes (such as zip code, phone, email or postal address), or if a user no longer desires our service, we provide a way to correct, update or delete/deactivate users' personally identifiable information. This can be done by emailing our Customer Department at [email protected]. Or, contact us by telephone or postal mail at the contact information listed below.
Notification of Changes
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, the homepage, and other places we deem appropriate so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.
If, however, we are going to use users' personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection we will notify users via email.
- Returns & Replacements
We only accept returns if
- we ship the wrong items
- or hardware fault, that was present at the time of shipping, can be proved,
Other returns are only accepted if items are undamaged and unmodified. These returns are subject to a 15% restocking fee. Reasons may include:
- suitability concerns (for a particular purpose)
- functional issues related to freely downloadable software (firmware)
We do NOT accept returns because of
- Hardware problems caused by incorrect installations, such as - but not limited to
- incorrect supply voltage polarity or amplitude
- forgotten ground signals
- improper flyback connection
- overloaded outputs (lack of sufficient fuses)
For all returns, please contact us first to receive an authorization.
- Ordering
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi luctus. Duis lobortis. Nulla nec velit. Mauris pulvinar erat non massa. Suspendisse tortor turpis, porta nec, tempus vitae, iaculis semper, pede. Cras vel libero id lectus rhoncus porta. Suspendisse convallis felis ac enim. Vivamus tortor nisl, lobortis in, faucibus et, tempus at, dui. Nunc risus. Proin scelerisque augue. Nam ullamcorper. Phasellus id massa. Pellentesque nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc augue. Aenean sed justo non leo vehicula laoreet. Praesent ipsum libero, auctor ac, tempus nec, tempor nec, justo.
- Payment, Pricing & Promotions
- Payment is accepted in the form of Credit Cards, PayPal, or Wire Transfer. Other forms of payment must be negotiated prior to order.
- Viewing Orders
- Only your account and administrators can view your orders. We hold your privacy in high regard. Fulfillment and web shop employees will be the only other people able to see your orders.
- Updating Account Information
- When you log in to your account, you can change any account information necessary.